When I was a bit younger Monty Python was at its high point. There was almost a sense of the forbidden about anything Monty Python and I do know that if my parents would have ever caught me watching any of it there would be a long talking. This weekend I listened to an interview with John Cleese, one of the founders of Monty Python. So I wonder if there are any interesting bits of wisdom to gain from what was probably on the most funny description of life experiences.
Cleese talked about how Laughter is about and over the imperfections in things and what is or has gone wrong. In other words we laugh at the things in life that show our imperfections or mistakes. This is a very interesting concept to explore. It kind of changes the way one looks at failure. Laughter in that it shows our weakness. Laughter in that my attempt to be the best ends in so much less. I think if we begin to look at failure and mistakes a way to see life in a different way we may end up enjoying things a whole lot more.
The interview ask what makes God laugh and Cleese answered show Go your plan.